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Tom Cruise

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I"m waiting the TOP GUN 2 for the year 2019. Every teenage boy wanted to be a fighter pilot when this came out, epic. I feel like we are going to find out Miles is playing “ Goose “ son. He looks just like Goose. Saw the first one on Base when I was a young Aircraft Tech. Can"t wait to see this one. Looks great. Wheres val Kilmer. Thisis what i"ve been dreaming of becoming... 34 yrs ago. Love this movie not for its cinematic power but for the memories it brings back when I watch it. Great entertainment and lines to quote.

I saw this movie when it was first released in 1986 and again today, 25 years later and the movie is actually better the second time around. This is one of the great action movies. This movie features an ensemble cast that is fantastic and the the story is pure entertainment. This is Tom Cruise"s best movie by far; he carries it and makes it his own. Kelly McGillis is absolutely beautiful. She is a sweetheart, beautiful, intelligent and what a smile! The close-up shots of Ms. McGillis and Mr. Cruise fully capture the chemistry between them. They are actors, but chemistry cannot be faked and in this movie chemistry abounds. The script is wonderful, loaded with clever lines with double-meanings that are perfectly delivered by the cast. Val Kylmer is great in this movie. The action scenes have to be among the most spectacular ever filmed, and without special effects. The character of Maverick is heroic and flawed. He does goofy things but regardless he is a positive figure. Anthony Edwards is perfect as Maverick"s navigator, friend and confidant. The story moves forward at the brisk pace and keeps the audience engaged. This is a movie that is story driven and it works because the story is evocative and the acting superb. Tony Scott put together one of the great movies. It"s hard to believe that 25 years have gone by since this movie was first released, but the fact that it as watchable today as it was 25 years ago shows how good this movie really is and that is because it deals with themes that transcend time.

I see Tom Cruise is still at it. The first Top Gun movie was released in 1986, so this is crazy. “Im not leaving my wingman... ” —> couldnt tell you how many times i said this back in my single days. All I want is a homoerotic volleyball scene again. It"s all fun and games un till Goose dies. This movie was filmed around 1985, when Xi was forced to be a rural farmer in China, when Putin was still a secretary in KGB with the former Soviet Union. It"s hard to imagine that, 35 years later, Tom Cruise still looks the same. Let me entertain you. YESSSS Tom has always kept me entertained & satisfied. He has the BEST smile, SIGH. Now this does put a smile on my face. More Hollywood excrement. Step right up for your next mouthful lemming.



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Eventually got to see the New Star Wars and it was ok. Well that is if I had never ever seen a Star Wars movie before. Personally its ruined everything previously, SKaywalkers killed off and Palpatines Rule. The only Jedi left is actually a Sith well thats if you accept all the plot holes which has more holes than a Polo Mint factory. Not once has there been any indication that Palpatine had a son, why did his son not have any powers? Too much makes not sense. This movie was so mish mashed and to be honest the worst written in ALL of the Star Wars movies, the try to hide the awful scrip/story with lots of Star Wars gimmicks all of which we have seen before.
The ending also appeared to be a rip off from The Avengers End Game its basically had the same ending. We"re doomed, Oh wait NO here"s the gang, There is only one way this will end someone has to Sacrifice themselves Ren. The Leader (Rey) goes on to soul search on pastures beyond.
Sorry but you have RUINED IT and in all honestly I blame George Lucas for selling out. Shame on you! You sold the franchise to the Devil, Disney have no soul they just consume every one elses.

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I"ve been watching Star Wars since I was 10 year"s old. When you talk about a finale it better be one helluva finale.
The last two episodes TFA & TLJ have become some of my favorites and I was really looking forward to this film. From start to finish the action is great, the storyline of Rey being the granddaughter of Palpatine was an interesting twist, loved the way Leia"s character was honored, and I have long awaited for the day Kylo gets redemption and turns back to Ben Solo and boy do we get it! Adam Driver truly has made this character one of my personal favorites whether he"s Kylo or Ben, I love how Driver brought this character to life. and the emotion. good grief it just makes me cry. (I feel the same with the way Ridley has done this with Rey. But I was utterly destroyed that Ben dies at the end saving Rey!
If Rey and Ben are a complete convergence of the force (force dyad) and the Emperor was able to drain some of this force to restore himself, I think the storyline could have gone an entirely different direction! Both Rey and Ben should have destroyed the Emperor once and for all using this force dyad TOGETHER (that we"ve been seeing since the Force Awakens between these two) bringing that balance TOGETHER & starting a new lineage of Skywalkers TOGETHER! Because they do LOVE EACH OTHER. This ending killed me, for real! Finally the moment a lot of us have been waiting for and it"s literally snatched away. Can"t a character who gets redeemed have more than 15 minutes? Maybe in a way Ben Solo is the Rise of the Skywalker because HE IS A SKYWALKER. Did anyone think about that? Maybe his welcome to the Resistance wouldn"t have been a warm one if he had lived and returned with Rey, but they would get over it! After all, he is Leia"s son and she believed in him. There are so many layers here but Ben Solo deserved better!
I"m also terribly confused as to why Rey did not become one with the Force when she defeats Palps & just disappear when she died if she was a Jedi? WTH? Also, no cameo of Anakin, Obiwan, Yoda, etc being with Rey when she is being encouraged to rise to defeat the Emperor. these characters needed a having them was a bad idea! BAD IDEA!
Bottom line, Ben and Rey should have defeated the Emperor once and for all and Disney would have had one of the greatest love stories along with a great story line to go off of in this franchise for a long time in my opinion. Of course I understand this is my opinion but my heart won"t go on after this.






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